ROE Student Paper Competition
Announcing this year's student winners!
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Desmond Ang graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College and is currently pursuing a PhD. in Economics at the University of California, San Diego. His research interests include development and behavioral economics. Prior to attending UCSD, he was a Fulbright Scholar in Indonesia and a researcher for Harvard Business School, UNICEF and the World Bank. Desmond is perhaps best known for his breakout role as Guy #2 in the New Hampshire State gun safety video, "Staying Safe Around Guns - High School Edition." Proposed Research: The purpose of this study is to examine publication bias among field experiments evaluating education interventions. Publication bias is the phenomenon in which studies with statistically significant results are more likely to be published than those without. Assessing practices of publication is critical to the development of informed social policies and programs aimed at improving educational outcomes.
Laura Pryor is a PhD student at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education. She is part of the Quantitative Methods and Evaluation program and focuses on understanding and implementing the methods that most appropriately evaluate the impact of education and youth development initiatives. Laura’s interests in Research on Evaluation began as an American Evaluation Association Graduate Education Diversity Intern (GEDI), 2011-12 cohort. She looks forward to developing her evaluation interests throughout her doctoral program. Proposed Research: Evaluators working in a PK-12 education context must navigate the increasingly popular topic of high-stakes teacher evaluation. Given the significant teacher opposition to high-stakes evaluation, how can evaluators approach teacher evaluation in a way that is meaningful for local stakeholders and speaks to larger policy initiatives? Using three years of data from a federally-funded Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) project, Laura’s research investigates the TIF evaluation model’s technical properties in order to understand if and how teacher evaluation systems can be used for the dual purposes of high-stakes decision-making and teacher improvement. |
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Nicole Zelinsky is a first-year Phd student working under the supervision of Dr. William Shadish and Dr. Jack Vevea at the University of California, Merced. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology and mathematics from Allegheny College in Pennsylvania. She is currently interested in both meta-analysis and how to approach publication bias in a meta-analysis. Research Project: The proposed research examines publication bias in a class of designs called single-case designs (SCDs) by surveying SCD researchers about their publication practices. From this survey, we will determine if prejudice exists against publishing negative SCD results and if there is an effect size below which SCD researchers are reluctant to publish. Furthermore, we will use that effect size to inform a weight function selection model that accounts for publication bias in SCD meta-analyses. |
Patrice Renée Cobb is a doctoral student of psychological sciences at the University of California, Merced under the supervision of Dr. William Shadish. She received her bachelors in psychology from Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA. Her current research interests include semiparametric regression and time series data. Research Project: Several methods have been proposed for the statistical analysis of single case designs, but all assume no trend or linear trend. Utilizing generalized additive models, a semiparametric regression method that allows the data to inform the selection of smoothed trend terms, I will examine the plausibility of these assumptions. |
The UCEC ROE Student Paper Competition is now closed.
The information provided below is for reference.
Please check back for information about next year's competition.
1st Annual Student Paper Competition | March 15, 2014 | UCEC @ UCLA
Download ROE Application
Call for Student Paper Submissions
The UC Educational Evaluation Center (UCEC) is holding its first UC student paper competition for four awards of $2,500 each. We invite research proposal submissions for studies in the field of educational evaluation. Any UC graduate student is eligible to participate in this competition. The award amount can support a new study, a sub-study of an existing study, or an existing study that has already begun. Students can submit proposals individually or in collaboration with other graduate students from any UC campus. The paper submission deadline is March 15, 2014 and the study should be completed by December 31, 2014.
What is Research on Evaluation?
Research on evaluation (ROE) is a sub-field within the evaluation discipline that takes the systematic examination of the field’s theories, methods, and practices as its focus. The American Evaluation Association’s Research on Evaluation Topical Interest Group (AEA ROE TIG) and the American Educational Research Association’s Research on Evaluation Special Interest Group (AERA ROE SIG) define “ROE” as the empirical examination of evaluation itself. Purposes that ROE studies seek to fulfill include, for example, describing the state of evaluation; studying how evaluation can be practiced better; developing and testing new research methods, and understanding the contribution and utility of underlying social science theories to the art and science of evaluation. See the UCEC website for selected references of published ROE studies as examples (
Proposal Requirements:
- An abstract of 150 words or less that describes the study purpose, research questions, methods, and relevance.
- A 500 word or less statement addressing the study's relevance and importance, its implications for theory or practice, how it contributes to ROE. State how the study adds to knowledge in the field and reflects relevant standards of quality in theory, methods, or practice. Citations do not count against the word limit.
- References to published ROE studies.
Submission Information and Important Dates:
- Proposal applications can be accessed here
- Completed proposals should be emailed to
- Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
- Deadline to submit: March 15, 2014 at 5pm
- Award announcement will be made by May 1, 2014
- Your study should be completed by December 31, 2014
For more information about the UCEC or this competition, please see our website (
Examples of published ROE studies:
Fleischer, D., Christie, C. A., & LaVelle, K. B. (2011). Perceptions of evaluation capacity building in the U.S.: A descriptive study of American Evaluation Association members. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 23(3), 37–60.
Shadish, W.R., Clark, M.H., Steiner, P.M. (2008). Can nonrandomized experiments yield accurate answers? A randomized experiment comparing random to nonrandom assignment. Journal of American Statistical Association, 103, 1334-1343.
Shager, H.M., Schindler, H.S., Magnuson, K.A., Duncan, G., Yoshikawa, H., & Hart, C. (2013). Can Research Design Explain Variation in Head Start Research Results? A Meta-analysis of Cognitive and Achievement Outcomes. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 35(1), 76-95.
Vo, A. T. (2012). Visualizing context through theory deconstruction: A content analysis of three bodies of evaluation theory literature. Evaluation and Program Planning, 38, 44-52.